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Writing shareable content can sometimes seem like it’s a hit or miss thing with no real strategy behind it. Why do some articles generate 1,000s of shares while others on the same topic generate so few? While it appears to sometimes be obvious, that’s not always the case. It can be frustrating, especially because there are so many businesses and individuals who have substantially grown their businesses from a content marketing strategy.

So what makes content sharable exactly? There are a few elements to consider: the headline, the topic, and the value that the content offers to the reader.

How to Write a Shareable Headline

Headlines that tend to get a lot of click-throughs are ones that contain the following:

  • ___ Advice and Tips That Will Help You ____
  • Tips That Will Prevent Your ____
  • How ____ Will Help You ___ Better

Think about the type of headlines that you click on while surfing the web. They probably contain one or more of these things:

  • Something that can help you solve a problem
  • Something that can help someone you know solve a problem
  • Something that you can relate to

Why Reader Would Share Content

One very important factor to remember is that the most shareable content is the content that reaches someone in a personal and relatable way. Using words like “you” and “your” help to personalize your articles. The content that you are creating is most likely meant to help something or someone else solve a problem and they want to give that advice to their friends.

Understanding Why List Posts Are Shareable List posts are easy to read, drive home the value points in an efficient manner and are very shareable. That is, if their content satisfies the curiosity that the headline generates quickly, it’s a lot more likely to get shared. Why? It’s very compelling to find out how to solve your problem in 5 to 10 easy steps. Better yet, if it works for you, it will most likely work for someone that you know that may need this type of content.

While there is no exact formula and each piece of content may perform differently, building a general strategy that will allow you to improve your content’s sharability will eventually bring you success. Remember, it’s sometimes not obvious as to why one piece of content performs better than another. However, creating a strategy for writing a compelling headline and offering valuable content will help you to achieve your content marketing goals.

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