skills for growth hackers

Unlike mature companies, startups are more likely to grow their user base rapidly. Once a startup is ready to scale, it’s time to hire someone who can quickly boost up the user base.

Here are some of the most important skills every growth hacker must have.

One of the most necessary skills every growth hacker should possess is analytical skills. Once you’ve started Analytical skills

Learning about important metrics of analytics like data segmentation and goals tracking you can do well as a growth hacker. The beauty of analytics is that it not only tells you about your startup, with brutal honesty, but it also gives you an insight about the future of your startup.

Narrow Your Focus

When it comes to growth hacking, there is one ultimate goal; to grow. Though the overall goal is to grow, often you’ll need to narrow your focus by breaking that goal into various achievable tasks.

Growth strategy doesn’t solely depend upon the acquisition of new users. Also important is the number of active users, at the retention and engagement level.

Let’s see a real example. In the early days of Facebook, growth engineers found an interesting metric that users are more likely to stay longer and engaged if they get 7 friends in 10 days of usage. So the growth team focused on getting users add at least 7 friends within 10 days of signing up.

This was one of the strategies that helped Facebook increase the users’ engagement level.

Basics of programming

You don’t need to be a programmer or an engineer to become a growth hacker. However, as a growth engineer, you may need to work with the developer team.Having a basic idea about programming and scripts will help you to communicate effectively with your engineering team.

Basic coding knowledge will help you comfortably read the code, and let you build and fix small things yourself.

Here are some resources to learn the basics of coding.

important growth hacking skills

Being obsessed with growth

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison

A growth hacker must have the same kind of obsession that Thomas Edison was referring to.

Growth hacking is not just a matter of trying two or three things and expecting it to work out fine. Growth hacking seems so simple once you discover the things that work well for your product. Until then, you’ll have to try and test hundreds of various strategies.

You need to be patient and zealous in your attempts.

  • Always be curious: Growth hackers must be inquisitive about experimenting with new things and analyzing the results.

  • Qualitative research: If quantitative data describes the data, then qualitative data tells you the reason behind it.

Knowledge about consumer psychology

According to a report revealed by Psychology Today, consumers use emotion when evaluating a brand.

Knowing consumer psychology not only helps to build long term brand relationships with your consumers but that same knowledge will help you create a winning growth strategy.

  • Increases long term ROI.

  • Increases word of mouth recommendations.

  • Repeated customers.

Always remember, growth is not a short term strategy but a long term plan.

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